Enfermeira Aura
One of the most beautiful things you inspired and challenged and brought out was the care and love of people in the village (Torre) that you had made your home. Every day people from the village, those with little or nothing, arrived with eggs, milk, bread and cakes to help your family survive. And with each basket of food, every person in the village had a story of suffering to share. And you listened carefully - to every one of their stories.
So rarely did you expose your own vulnerability - and when you did it was only to the doctors and nurses of Coimbra Hospital. It's a strange thing - how important the doctors and nurses were at making you feel at so safe and so cared about - and so at home.
Enfermeira Aura
In-firm-ayra Ow-ra
(Nurse Aura)
In a world of Marias and Fernandas
Her name already signals her difference
Quick and slight
With a quiet smile
Warming kind eyes
The first here to tell me
That it was all right
To cry
Perched on my bed,
Softly sharing
my pain and fear
Letting me glimpse
A life full of sacrifice
To giving
Caring for her sister
With cancer
Yet unfailingly
bringing her smile to work
Enfermeira Aura
An unsung celebration
Of the best of humanity
Sally Mavor
22nd January 2001
Coimbra Hosipital