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Thursday, December 30, 2004

Setubal em 2004

This blog entry was going to go into my blog where I keep doctorate notes, but then I thought I'd put it here. I'm looking at the stories which make up the socio-cultural context of of Portugal and am struggling a bit to find someone who tells happy stories.

The language from my local newspaper's reflection (Setúbal na Rede) on this year in Setúbal goes like this:

Crise Política - early elections in February because of uma grave crise de credibilidade do Governo. a hard blow after the fracasso eleitoral in European elections.

Instabilidade Social - closing or moving of companies (encerramento ou deslocalização de empresas) and discontent of workers (descontentamento dos trabalhadores)

Incêndio (fires) na Arrábidauma catástrofe” ambiental,
Demolições na Arrábida - the Minister for the Environment announced the demolition of illegal houses in Arrabida, whereas he was found to be living in one himself :-(

Co-incineração - a continuing battle over the burning of toxic waste from the cement factory that overshadows the hills of Arrabida.

Educação - lots of kids started school a month late because of a "technological hitch" in the placing of teachers in their schools.

Comboio da Ponte - Hooray the new fast train from Setúbal to Lisbon! Apesar dos problemas, ninguém tem dúvidas da “importância deste equipamento para o desenvolvimento sustentável do distrito de Setúbal. (Despite the problems noone doubts the importance of this for the sustainable development of the Setúbal district.    

Hospitais - doctors went on a series of strikes para exigir o pagamento dos retroactivos prometido pela administração (to demand backpayments promised to them by the administration).

Feira de Sant’Iago – the location of the artesanatal fair on our main avenue was moved, causing general discontent (to all except people who used to get held up by the traffic jams and deviations it caused).

Convento de Jesus - the 11 year story of promised renovation of this church still continues (as does the location of the funds budgeted for it).

Autoeuropa (VW car manufacturer) - stays in Setúbal and is going to start fabricating a new luxury car.

Nova Setúbal - the mega urbanization process of Setúbal has been declared ilegal in a debate about whether or not the main contraction should be put out to tender or not.

Vitória Futebol Clube – club is doing well, despite the sad death of Jacinto João, one of Setúbal's best players.

I guess everyone in Setúbal is either a commuter, a football fan or works for Autoeuropa, so while ten out of thirteen stories are of dirty politics and inefficiency, we do have some things to be happy about! I'm going out on my bike now to think of the good news I have to bear about Setúbal in the last year.


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