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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Half full or half empty?

It looks like I'm not alone in feeling depressed as Autumn comes in on us. "O frio outonal trouxe de volta o pessimismo aos portugueses" according to the Diário de Notícias. Half the people in a survey by Marktest think that this time in a year that the economic situation of the country and the domestic economy will be worse. Mind you 22% think it will be equal or better.

I also learned from this article that one of the main resaons for depression is that Durão Barroso left us as Prime Minister to become President of the European Union. Maybe that's why we don't hear more about the exciting events of the European Constitution and European Commission in the Portuguese press which I have to follow more in the BBC news.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sou português, mas o Outono não me torna mais triste. Muito pelo contrário: o Outono faz-me feliz - gosto das cores outonais e dos frutos a ele associado.

6/08/2005 10:01:00 PM  

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