Blog Flux LinkLog: Outgoing Link Logging and Click Tracking for Em duas línguas

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


All my own personal buzzwords in one event in Copenhagen in June. How can I not go to Reboot8.0? And what a cool wiki/way of organising the event.
So reboot8 is like reboot7 a journey into the interconnectedness of creation, participation, values, openness, decentralization, collaboration, complexity, technology, p2p, humanities, connectedness and many more areas. Applied towards us as individuals, citizens, teachers, culture workers, entrepreneurs, creators and change makers.

Reboot is the European meet-up for the practical visionaries who are building tomorrow one little step at a time, using new models for creation and organization in a world where the only entry barrier is passion. reboot is two days in June filled with inspiration, perspective, good conversations and interesting people.

I like the way you can see the list of participants. On the list I can see my neighbour in Setúbal, Pedro Custódio, who I've met online but not face-to-face. Perhaps this way I'll end up having a coffee with him in Denmark!



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