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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Are women bloggers noticed in Portugal?

Over in BlogHer they are planning some more sessions, including one on EduBlogging:
"Three academics from prominent colleges note that women are using blogging in and out of the classroom but, and this will sound familiar: it's the male academics who get noticed. So, the session is about how to use this technology and how to raise the profile of the women using it."

So it's not just in Portugal! At last year's 2º Encontro de Weblogs we heard from Manuel Pinto that the trend in Portugal was for equal numbers of men and women bloggers. But when I look at the Scientific Commission of this year's Encontro I see thirteen men and not one woman!

Do you mean to say that women blog but only men are academic enough to consider if your writing about it is sufficiently original, relevant, has quality, style and clarity?

(Todas as propostas serão avaliadas pela Comissão Científica com base na originalidade, relevância, qualidade técnica, estilo e clareza de apresentação.)

Come on sisters and irmãs - how do we raise the profile of women bloggers in Portugal?

And I wonder what Joana Baptista's study suggests ...
De facto, os homens têm aparentemente mais tempo disponível para dedicarem a estas questões, uma vez que a estrutura social indica a uma maior sobrecarga para os elementos do sexo feminino, no que concerne a tarefas domésticas e educativas a somar à sua vida profissional.

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Blogger Pedro Custódio said...

At the beginning of the month I've participated at LIFT, in Geneva listening. One of the presentations was actually a women's panel, which I found very interesting since I don't that much opportunity in listening what women have to say about technology (your blog is kind of a window on that, you know?). The problem was that the women there didn't accept that well this scenario, they disliked the fact that women were on a panel instead of having more presentations. Well according to the organizers the reason is pretty much obvious, there are not that much women in technology.

Talking about the fact that women are social more dependent isn't always correct and can have the risk of victimizing women, which I wasn't aware, but women seemed there seemed to agree on. I think that many things have changed on the domestic tasks between man and wife on the last years (sure, there's a whole lot to change yet, but nevertheless), don't think that's reasonable to mention it in current times. I'm sorry, it's just not my reality... ;)

One important conclusion from there was that the women tend to be more multitasking than men, which means that even when they're doing something they're actually thinking on the next thing, and the one after that. Do you consider this to be true?

2/21/2006 11:10:00 PM  
Blogger bev trayner said...

Hi Pedro

A summary of some thoughts before I reply to you in my main blog space:

a) There may be differences in women's and men's approaches to technology (and life);
b) many would argue about the extent of those differences;
c) others would also argue about if those differences were innate or from social conditioning.

But whatever you think, surely one thing is certain - now, more than at any other time in history, we need multiple perspectives on things.

While being "in technology" is defined as someone who is interested in the hardware rather than, say, the social issues of technology we are limiting our vision of what technology is or could be.

Both for innovation and for ethical reasons, the wider we can define what "in technology means, the better?


2/22/2006 09:49:00 PM  

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